From when i was 6 months old my parents had the local post office, and we lived there until i was 25 years old.
This was a busy time of year and even as a small chld i used to love to be in the postmans room. I used to help stamp the letters and sort them, put them into bundles and sometimes even go with the postman to deliver them.
I also used to get up to alot of mischief too......
The post box wasnt the type that stands on the path but it was set into the wall just along from the post office door. There was also a door on the inside of the post office (behind the counter) for my dad to be able to get the letters out . The box was in a type of brick chimney in the wall and it was level with the counter behind where the staff used to serve customers. I was often lifted up to sit on the counter when they were busy, I used to climb into the chimney when they werent looking and open the door to the letter box. I used to put my legs and feet inside the box and peer out through the slot where people posted the letters.
I loved the feel of the cold wind in my eyes, it made them water, but i could see everything that was going on out in the street.
When people used to put the letters in the box i used to shout "Thank you " they used to walk away giving the box very funny looks. I also used to wave to them by putting my hand out through the slot........very naughty I know but it used to make me giggle. Some people used to walk away scratching their heads wondering why the box was talking......
Anyway to get back on track........When i saw the flower soft cards with the post box on them i knew they would make a lovely card for my mum for christmas. The post office was her dads before her and her grandfathers before her father, so it was in the family a long time. Ahh.......many happy chilhood memories spent in the shops with the staff who were great with me.
The second card "Santa baby" is for my friend, her son Connor is the baby.....when he was only a couple of months old and it was his first christmas we took him and bought this little santa suit and he looked so so so cute.....Hes 15 now so he most likely wont appriciate it but the little photos have made a great card. I even put him on the inside sitting on a little skateboard with a teddy and a pressy.
I hope you like the cards and Im sorry for drifting back to my childhood stories hehehe.
Thanks for stopping by.