Monday, 26 May 2008

Im still here! Just Scrapbooking for a change.

Hi Everyone, I just thought I should let you know that i havent dissapeared.....Im working on a 40 page scrapbook with my daughter Hannah.
Its to celebrate our Holiday in Disneyland Paris back in October for the 15th year celebrations.
We both Scrapbook but we wanted to create this book together ...a joint effort.
My scrapbooking has taken a back seat lately for atc's but Im really enjoying being back making pages again. They are all 12 x 12 and it feels very strange having a large area to cover instead of an atc.
We took 700 photos when we were there, so we had loads to choose from. I had all the photos printed and put in albums and then got 70 printed again to work with....A costly business, but worth it.
I will put up a slideshow of the book when it is finished. Hopefully by next weekend at the rate im going. I did 6 pages yesterday, but im loving it. Hope everyone has a great Bank Holiday, x

Saturday, 17 May 2008

This afternoons play time!

Had a great time with everything today, cant believe its nearly 7pm.


Been playing with my new stamps from Scrapz.....They are great, what a bargain there was simply loads on the sheet, ive been busy all afternoon.

My Grand daughter Emily

This is my grand daughter Emily.
Emily is the little girl in the centre with the long dark hair.
Emily celebrated her first Holy Communion this morning at St Gregory's in South Shields, and did extremely well.
Both Grand children have flown to Spain this lunchtime with their mam and their other Grand parents for a week. So it is an exciting day for them.

My Grandson Joe

This is my Grandson Joe when i was looking after him on tuesday. Joe is nearly 3 years old and is great company. He decided he would draw some pictures and did so full of enthusiasm.

Friday, 16 May 2008

And for Cookie

And this one is going in the post for Cookie, It has been wonderful to work with such a lovely image.

Cookie's Mama

This is my little book for Cookie's Mama, I will be popping it in the post on Monday. I really enjoyed making it. I hope she likes it and it was a real pleasure to have made it for her.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Latest attempts

Managed to get a couple of atcs done on Saturday, Sunday i was working on my atcs for Chriss for the April numbers. I sat for about an hour messing about and thought i had lost my inspiration, I hate it when you have a few days off and that happens. anyway it soon came back.
The camera hasnt done the lilac one with the little butterfly stamps on it justice! the colours are much better than shown. The doodling one is the same, this camera is funny sometimes! Anyway im back crafting now , so if anyone wants to trade let me know, Cheers

Friday, 9 May 2008

A page out of life

I was asked to read and review this book, I only managed to have a go at the beginning of the week and then Ive been so busy, but i must say its seems very good, I couldnt put it down, I was reading on the bus and nearly missed my stop . So I will let you know more about it soon.

Coffee Day

Our Fundraising Day was a success, we managed to make £421.38. So a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who donated cards and raffle and tombola prizes. We had a steady stream of people all day and we were very tired last night, so I apologise i didnt get this posted then. We are pleased it went well and we were very lucky to have such lovely things donated to help us.
Im back making atcs wish me luck...I hope I havent forgotten what to do, LOL. Once again Thanks for everything you are all very kind. Jaqi xx

Coffee day photos

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

All Filled!

All filled and now i cant wait to sit down and start.....although i cant until after the fundraiser, but you can bet your life i will have a great time on Friday when i finally get around to it.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Done ....Just needs Filling!

Done at last, my son came to the rescue when he finished work. Im happy now!

Middle Section

Well if all else fails Ive at least got this bit!

its upright

Its upright, and starting to look like the picture


A team of joiners , or at least 2 blokes and we may be on track, but a woman and her 14 year old daughter, we are struggling!
Surrounded by mountains of empty boxes and packaging, we have had every emotion tested, excitement, joy, frustration, dissapointment, stress (unbelievable stress) , more frustration, sadness, to utter dispair. Boy oh boy..........hours later and still no finished product. The wood is so heavy, we have had problems lifting up and turning over the boxes. Also the intstructions tell you to make up the side boxes first and the picture shows them standing side by side ready to fit to the centre box when it is completed.......well they dont stand, as they only have castors on 3 corners , and being so big and heavy, if they fall will cause some damage, so they have to be left on the floor. ( my grandad, who was a funeral director will think i have gone into the business - it looks like my floor is covered in coffins!)
We decided late last night to leave them and try again this morning, with a fresh start. Im sure it will be lovely when finished, although at this moment in time I am ready to launch it through the window.
I am missing not being able to do my crafting and my stress levels are sitting very , very high. I apologise for not blogging and posting any new work, but as you can see............IM DEMENTED! Good job Im not a drinker! Although this cupboard is enough to turn me to drink! Wish me luck! I need all that you can send.

Slowly but Surely!


Beware the Crafting Cupboard!

After arriving a day late as it missed its connection half way up the country, my cupboard finally arrived. My house was filled with extremely heavy boxes, which took two men to carry into my home. One being a man off the street who knidly gave the delivery driver a hand! At this stage I was just glad it had finally arrived.

This is brilliant , i love it !