Before Christmas I bought myself a Bind it all. Its
Dans fault really ......after watching his amazing demonstration , he made it look so easy I just had to have one. Thank you Dan for the introduction I love my Bind it all.
Anyway moving on.....
I wanted to make something for my 2 sons for Christmas, but as they re both in their early 20's it was hard to think of something that would be cool !
They are constantly having a laugh at my expense as to the amount of time I spend crafting. When I saw the Bind it all I had an idea for my sons......

My eldest son David was only 7 years old when he wrote a story which was televised.

David entered a competition to write a story for 'JACKANORY' and he was lucky enough to be one of the winners.

He was overwhelmed that both our local newspapers the 'The Sunderland ECHO' and 'The South Shields Gazette' both came out and did a story about his achievement.

David asked if it was at all possible could his story be read out by Christopher Timothy (from 'It shouldnt happen to a vet' ) which was one of his favourite tv programmes at the time and he was lucky that they granted his wish.

I had kept a photocopy of the original story in an old fashioned type of scrapbook and we also had a video of the actual screening of the story.
The BBC were kind enough to do the artwork to go with the writing which gave the whole thing a much more proffesional feel.
I had stills of the artwork done from the video to use as the images for the book.

I put everything together in order , mounting the pictures onto pages which I had shaded with inks to match the colours in the pictures.

I used an old typewriter that used to belong to my dad to type the actual story to give it an older feel.

The book came together very well. I was quite excited to see it in book form and hoped he would be pleased with it too.

I ended the book by popping in some closing facts and I also stamped inside the back cover with a ruubber stamp which says
" Imagination is more important than knowledge" by A Einstein.

David was really pleased with it. I will make lots more books with my Bind it all, its a great machine and I really enjoyed this project.
I did a different book for my other son , but thats another post. If you watch Dotties blog , davids actual story will be on there soon in a different type of post ( if anyone is interested in knowing what his story ws about) Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog.