Saturday, 11 February 2012

Liebster Blog Award

                               Thank you to Ann from The Scrapbook Garden for this award

The Liebster Award is given to smaller bloggers who have 200 or less followers in the hope it will bring them new followers and friends. The tradition is that it is then passed on to five other blogs to help them too. If you want to accept the award the steps are:

1. Link back to the persons blog who gave you the award and thank them.

2. Post the award on your blog.

3. Give the award to five fellow bloggers who inspire you.

4. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know.

So now I have to nominate 5 fellow bloggers who have inspired me and I give it to the following who all have fabulous projects on their blogs:

1. Shelagh, from Dreams Can Come True

2. Denise from BlessThis Mess

3. Karen from Little Scrapz of Life

4. Florence from Florence and Freddie

5. The team at Just For Fun

All of these people are an inspiration and make some fabulous works of art, thank you to you all for your continued inspiration. Hope you all have a lovely weekend .


Zoechaos said...

You are indeed lucky with your collection of family pictures. They would be pleased and proud to see all the wonderful pages you make with them. Thank you for sharing this latest treasure with us great to see you again.

The award is very generous of you it will be diplayed with pride on the Just for Fun site. Now to think of who to share it with! XOXO Zoe

Kazza said...

Hi Jaqi,
I hope you are feeling better now.
Your family album pages are fabulous - you have so many fantastic old photos to work with.

Thank you so much for the award - i certainly dont deserve it though - i have been incredibly bad over the last several months and havent blogged at all - shame on me :0(

Take care xxxx Karen

This is brilliant , i love it !