Sam gave Dottie the most wonderful boquet of flowers as they cuddled on the conservatory windowsill, then it was time for tea and dottie gave a little smile at the chocolate cake and homemade melting moments.
This evening they are at the drive in movie......National treasure 2.
Well i suspect theres going to be tears before bedtime, but at least they have had a wonderful last day..........
Aawww how sweet! I think our Dottie is going to miss her Sam something aweful! Aaahh young love!
Ah its sad, it brought a tear to my eye, Jaqi
hahahahaha the drive in movie had me pmsl.
I love choc cake and melting momments from the bero cook book.
oh you did spoil them both.
cant wait to come up to yours for sunday tea.
thanx Jaqi.
brilliant job and a hard act to follow.
chriss x
{sniff} I have gone through more tissues since I started reading about Dottie's adventures than I did in the previous 6 months!!
You're such a romantic, Jaqi!
hehehe, yeh, a romantic on her own! must be doing something wrong!LOL. jAQI
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