Well Dottie came back safe and sound, with no mention of her drama this morning, just Sam this and Sam that.......she is smitten, I think its his geordie accent thats got her going!
Well she came back and guess what he bought, flowers, so while ive been doing more of my disney scrapbook she sat on her little bobbin chair and advised me which photos to put where and told me all about Sam.
Apparently he has a treat for her tomorrow, and it will be waiting for her when we get in from work. Shes ever so excited....what can it be....chocolates maybe? She couldnt eat her tea, she said she wasnt hungry, mind she was telling Hannah all about her lunch date and the two of them polished off half a packet of chocolate digestives with a mug of hot chocolate......not hungry indeed!
Just so that theres no reapeat performances of ths mornings antics , I am taking her little bed up to my room tonight, (and i dont want her sneaking out and going night clubbing either)She can share my room and then i will hear her if she wakes. I hope theres no snoring!
Shes in the shower now, singing ......can you hear her. At the top of her voice....the neighbours will be wondering whats going on this week.
Well best close for tonight and get a good nights sleep, tomrrow is another day and ive a feeling we are in for another eventful day up here in Geordieland! nite from Jaqi and Dottie xx
I am so enjoying reading about Dotties antics with you in Geordie land - thank you for bringing a smile to my face at the end of the day.
Jaqi I really cannot think what you 2 have in store for us today... tou are one great hostess and I must say the chocci bikki thing is my fault D and I know how to polish a packet off.
sleep well and hope D'S snoting doent kep you awake ...its the chocolate.
catch you in the morning.
chriss x
morning Denise from dubai i have posted some news
chriss x
i am following you xx
You two girls are having so much fun! Love reading about Dottie's antics!
Cor I'm getting worried now, I hope you're keeping an eye on my little lady when she's with this
Sam character! I don't want him leading her astray!
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