Im so behind.....its ages since you all did your Fridas , and Monas, and Torso's.....I know....but....Ive just got around to doing mine, so please forgive me that I am a few stages behind , hehehe. Im trying to find my inspiration again, its been that long and Im still in scrapbooking mode, Im finding it so difficult to get where i want to be. But i have all of these lovely stamps that ive been buying over the last few weeks , I just havent used them.
So once again I apologise that these designs may be old news! I will try and catch up I promise, LOL.
they are stunning I love them are you swapping any of the mona and frida?
hey I havent done my Torso yet I go off in another
chriss x
Yep everythings for trade if its on here! I will email you , Jaqi x
Sorry I haven't popped in for a while Jaqi but hey you are rockin' these creations out missus :)
Your Marilyn torso is FAB!!! totally love it and all your recent atc's. Way to go girl :)
Jaqi, Everything looks wonderful. I haven't been getting around much, either.
Got a proposition for you. I was invited to do a jam and have received 3 backgrounds. I need to work on them and send them to a third party for the finishing touches. That party will send 2 back to me and I'll send one to the first person. I'm explaining it because I've never done one before. Have you? But it sounds like fun. Do you have the time? I'll be a few days before I get them sent out anyway. Let me know if you are available!
Your Fridas are gorgeous Jaqi and that Marilyn Torso is fabulous xxx Karen
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