Friday, 6 June 2008

Happy Ending

Bill rang for an ambulance just to check Dottie over , and Bob had a word with the driver to drive slowley as Sam lifted Dottie into the ambulance and got in the back with her. Off they went , a Happy ending at last.


Chriss Rollins said...

you crazy woman...D is a handfull and its so good to see she has all of those new friends to get her out of trouble...this was one heck of a adventure holiday for her.
she made me lafff sooo much the photography was fantastic and when the helicoptor came in i nearly pmsl... what a sports you and your family are Jaqi.
Hope Denise in SA managed to stay up but if not she is in for a treet when she wakes.
chriss x

Jaqi said...

im pleased you liked it. maybe she can come for xmas, id love to have her. ive had a great time, she still has a couple of days yet tho!

Chriss Rollins said...

Jaqi i just had to come back its my 3rd time ...not often i watch a movie more than omce.
chriss x

Jaqi said...

im just sorry it took so long, i would have started earlier if i had known. its been a busy day here, with Daniels fund and Dotties adventures had to be done 2nd sorry, but hopefully it was worth waiting for, xx

Denise said...

Jaqi, you had me going there! What an adventure! Dottie is sure packing enough fun into her holiday to last a life time! Superb job, Jaqi, thank you!

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Jaqi, you're amazing! If you aren't writing stories full time, you should. You'r ehave to keep in close touch with Dottie for inspiration, of course!!

Zuzu's Blog said...

lol.. i have laughed my way through this.. you mad mad woman :-)

thanks for that... well done

This is brilliant , i love it !