Thursday, 5 June 2008

Last Day at Work for Dottie

Well this was Dotties last day at work, and she was quite sad.
She had a quick pose next to the Statue of the Seaman where all the poppy wreathes get laid on Rememberance Sunday.
I explained all about Rememberance sunday and Dottie has promised she will buy a poppy the next time it comes around.
There was a ship moored across the water this morning when we walked down Mill Dam, when we got to the waters edge Dottie was waving at the crew on board, I moved her on swiftly , as one man in a uniform is enough I think.
And then we took one last picture of Dottie outside the front of the building, she was very sad that it would be the last day she was able to come here. I did say I would check with Chriss and maybe she could come back near xmas when it was panto season, that might be fun.
I must say Dottie worked hard today and did lots around the office, including a lot of filing. I will miss my new little friend not being at my desk after today.


Denise said...

Oh Jaqi, I think you have done a fantastic job on hosting Dottie. She has caused a few hairy moments, granted, but I'm sure you have both enjoyed every minute as much as we have enjoyed hearing about those special times.
Warm Hugs

Jaqi said...

Thanks Denise we have had a great week, but......its not over yet! hehehe. Jaqi x

This is brilliant , i love it !